is a VoIP - software for smartphones and desktop computers. The program allows free calling between Viber users over the Internet via wireless LAN or UMTS ; There are also out-calls available in fixed or mobile networks. Unlike other VoIP providers such asSkype Viber does not require a user account, but uses the existing telephone numbers. Viber requires that the software is installed on both devices. [1]
The service was of Talmon Marco founded. He was four years in the Israeli army and graduated from the University of Tel Aviv in computer science and management from.
Earlier it was for the service switching software from the company SPIRIT DSP licensed. After their competitor Global IP Solutions ofGoogle Inc. acquired and their software as free software was published, Viber changed to this license-free software stack.
Viber was born on February 14, 2014 by Japanese company Rakuten adopted [2] .
The use of Viber services when communicating with other Viber users is free, but it falls to the normal cost of Internet access. Out calls are chargeable (pre-paid cCredit). Call charges may be calculated on the website. [3]
The service was of Talmon Marco founded. He was four years in the Israeli army and graduated from the University of Tel Aviv in computer science and management from.
Earlier it was for the service switching software from the company SPIRIT DSP licensed. After their competitor Global IP Solutions ofGoogle Inc. acquired and their software as free software was published, Viber changed to this license-free software stack.
Viber was born on February 14, 2014 by Japanese company Rakuten adopted [2] .
The use of Viber services when communicating with other Viber users is free, but it falls to the normal cost of Internet access. Out calls are chargeable (pre-paid cCredit). Call charges may be calculated on the website. [3]
Viber is due to poor data protection in the criticism. Viber collects data in considerable amounts, which go far beyond the usual measure of other VoIP providers (eg Skype), both by users as well as non-users of the service. Many of these data are stored without the consent of and without the knowledge of the persons concerned in each case, in violation of European data protection law. [4]
Viber keeps a low profile with details on the company. Thus, it is unclear where and, where appropriate, for which purpose the collected data will be stored or get into whose hands it. [4]
Viber is due to poor data protection in the criticism. Viber collects data in considerable amounts, which go far beyond the usual measure of other VoIP providers (eg Skype), both by users as well as non-users of the service. Many of these data are stored without the consent of and without the knowledge of the persons concerned in each case, in violation of European data protection law. [4]
Viber keeps a low profile with details on the company. Thus, it is unclear where and, where appropriate, for which purpose the collected data will be stored or get into whose hands it. [4]
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