Thursday 28 March 2013

With You, Is Where My Heaven Lies - Chapter 3

You, me and ice cream.

It had been a week since I met him. I started working in the mall and was happy with that job. But after the job when I came back home I was all alone. That loneliness was killing me from inside. I could not get Raag out of my mind. I thought of meeting him. So after my job hours I went to the restaurant and found him on stage of course. He had an amazing voice. He had that velvety touch in his voice. I was totally lost in his song. He was leaving for home and I followed him. He was walking to his home. Suddenly he stopped in the middle of the way.

"So, would you just follow me like this or you would like to walk with me?" He asked. "How did you find it's me?" I smiled and asked.

"That's my specialty dear." "Quite impressive."

"I know."

"So, how are you?"

"I'm fine. How about you?"

"I'm also fine. Just busy with the new job." "OK. So where are you treating me?" "Treat for what?"

"For your new job."

"Oh! So what you want to have?" "Ice cream."

"Ice cream? OK. Let's go then."

We went to the ice cream parlor.

"You have really great voice." I said to him. "Thanks." He said and smiled.

"It's lightening heavily. It's gonna rain."

"I don't think so." "Maybe."

"I hope you are not getting late."

"Don't worry. There is no one waiting for me at home." "Why? I mean you stay alone?"


"Same here. No one waiting for me too." "It's just been a week in this city."

"So, you haven't been to the beach?" "Nope."

"Wanna go?" "Now?"

"No. Maybe tomorrow." "OK. I'll let you know." "How and when?"

"I'll call you tomorrow."

"OK. Take down my number."

I noted his number and gave mine. We had our ice cream and left for home. "Now hope to see you soon." He said.

"Ya sure." I said. "Goodnight." "Goodnight."

He left for his home and I was staring at his back. After a while I too went to my room. I wasn't able to sleep that night so I went to the window.

It started drizzling in a while and I stretched my arm to feel the little droplets of rain. I felt as if little crystals are shinning on my palm. I took a glance over it and smiled. It was a visual treat for my eyes to see those beautiful droplets under the street light falling on earth's lap.

After a while I went to sleep hoping to see him next day.

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